Saturday, January 15, 2011

My life (short version)

I was born during the forties (2 months before the end!) in France, the third out of eleven children. My father was a civil servant working in a big library in Paris. My mother (who will be 90 years old in May 2011) was a professional mother.

At 19 years old, I entered the French Naval Academy (Ecole Navale) and I spent 20 years in the French Navy, finishing with the rank of commander. I learned software mostly on my own during my Navy years. I spent 3 years as a Nato exchange officer in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

I met my first wife in Douala, Cameroon, while on vacation in 1973. We got married in 1979, just before going to Halifax. We adopted two Haitian girls and I also became the guardian of a nephew and a niece of her.

In 1988, I left the Navy to work in a software house near Paris.

In 1994, I emigrated alone to Vancouver, British Columbia, with my four children, Petunia, Elisabeth, Syprien and Carole (not their real names). In Vancouver I worked for a big Corporation to develop the Canadian Automated Air Traffic System (CAATS).

And in 1999-2000, I moved gradually away from the Corporation to work for the Company.

In 2008, I met my companion Daisy (not her real name either). In 2009, she was let go from her sales job for a medical equipment company, and she found another job in Calgary, Alberta, in the summer of 2009. We moved there, and I continued to work for the Company, of course.

Recently, she found a better job in Miami, Florida, and we moved there in December 2010. A trip of eleven days, across eleven US states, with our furniture in a U-Haul trailer behind the car.

This is how I ended up working in Miami.

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