Monday, January 17, 2011

A Company that trusts its customers

As the software produced by the Company is free software, there is no checking of any license when the customers use the software.

The cost of an annual support contract depends on the number of users. As there is no way to automatically check how many people are using the software, this number of users is what the customers declare.

The Company trusts its customers to declare the correct amount of users.

Prospective customers that are not sure whether the software will be beneficial to them can get an evaluation at no cost for them, with full support. The standard duration of such an evaluation is 3 months, but it may be extended for qualified reasons.

The Company is only asking the prospects that they send a short report on their evaluations. In most cases, an evaluation will be converted into a support contract.

The support provided by the Company is the same for customers with a support contract and prospects evaluating the software. It is in the best interest of both the Company and the prospects to provide outstanding support, either to have the customer renew his contract or to have the evaluating prospect buying a support contract.

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