Thursday, January 20, 2011

Arguing and reaching consensus

It is often the case that there are differences of opinions between us in the Company, for example to correct a bug or to add a new feature to the software.

We always try to resolve these differences by exchanging arguments and trying to reach a consensus. Everybody's input is welcome.

We don't modify the software until we have reached a consensus that is acceptable to everybody, even if it is reluctantly.

I have often been in a minority of one, but I have accepted the majority consensus. And sometimes the consequences have shown that I was in the right, but more often than not, I was wrong in my opinion.

The opinion of one of our founders does not carry more weight than any other. And there has been multiple cases when one of our founders has been alone against the rest of the Company and have then accepted the consensus.

This is an Open Company in every sense of the term.

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